Rank all sites in descending order please
Congratulations on this great website! I would like to see a
(xls exportable?) of all the sites in Greater London by name (with hotlinks to the site with further information) in descending order (i.e. 1 - worst air quality and 510 = best air quality) (and ascending order) for each pollutant and annual mean and daily means (including the number of exceedances) for any time period I choose e.g. from 1 January 2024 to date. I would also like to know how many of the nodes in total measure each of (1) NO2 and (2) PM2.5. It seems that the '510' figure may include some nodes which are NO2 only and some which are PM2.5 only. All the above would help with communication to an expert and wider audience e.g. media. It would allow me to track which sites have breached the annual mean and daily mean WHO air quality guidelines since the start of the calendar year. Thank you very much.S
Sacha Manson-Smith
Merged in a post:
Show node ranking in London
Sacha Manson-Smith
It would be interesting to see how one node compares in a ranking to other nodes. Add a view that ranks each node by PM2.5 or NO2 over a time period.
Sacha Manson-Smith
Hi! Many thanks for your comments - these are great suggestions. I think the ranking feature will be very impactful. I'll give this some thought and try and put together some prototypes over the next couple of weeks. Will keep you posted!
Sacha Manson-Smith: Thanks Sacha. Happy New Year!